We recommend our club members to get a federal license through the Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Tir à l’Arc (FLTA). Although it is not a requirement to have it, it brings some perks, for instance a private insurance for when the archer is practicing outside of the club’s infrastructures.
A couple of steps need to be followed to request it.
One of the committee members has to be notified by the athlete they want to apply for a license. They will then verify the athlete is able to shoot without supervision and understands the basics of archery safety. If they want to, they can also get more information on how tournaments are organized and what are the regulations to follow.
Once cleared, the member needs to take an appointment in one of the medical examination centers. The appointments are free of charge as long as the member can provide a national security number. The doctor will then transmit the examination results to the federation and the club (note that these results do not contain any details, only an aptitude certification). Shall there be any issue with the examination, the member will receive a confidential letter at home with the observations and actions to take. The club or federation are not aware of this letters content.
The club will send a bill to the member requesting the prepayment of the license fee (the latest amount can be found on our fees page).
Upon payment of the fee, the club’s secretary or president will prepare a form that has to be signed by the member, with the following required information:
- Name, surname
- Date of birth and place of birth
- Address
- Citizenship
The form is then sent out to the federation that reviews them once a month. The physical license (a simple paper) is provided in the following weeks to the club.