Our financial year goes from March to March, with the request for membership being sent sometime around February each year. The following prices are valid until March 2024.

Membership fees

Adult membership70 €
Adult membership after September of the current year50 €
Youth membership50 €
Youth membership after September of the current year30 €
Visitor pass — 1 month10 €
Federal license (new, transfer, renewal)40 €
Membership fees 2023-2024

All memberships are valid until the 31st of March of the current fiscal year unless the card was taken in January or February, in which case the 2 additional months will be “gifted” to the member. Memberships taken between October and December have a discounted price.

To get a federal license, the members need to contact their committee representative to start the process. The license goes from October 15th to October 15th the next year, and renewal has to be requested before these dates.


5 private coaching sessions (≈ 1h)125 €
10 private coaching sessions (≈ 1h)250 €
Coaching sessions price 2023-2024

Private coaching sessions with one of our trainers or experienced members are available through the committee.

Equipment rental

Recurve bow rental 3 months100 €
Recurve bow rental extension 3 months80 €
Compound bow rental 3 months150 €
Compound bow rental extension 3 months100 €
Rental fees 2023-2024